
SmartCity Jaen project is an initiative of the University of Jaen , creating the “SmartCity UJA LAB” in the Campus Lagunillas.

The idea came as Doctoral Research Project (by Dr. Herradorabout the need to modernize our city, like many other cities are doing. Not only is intended to offer proposals for the city – short term – by the UJA, but also will give the opportunity to participate to everyone.

Jaén has the potential to ensure project success, strong presence of the university, growth potential and broad capabilities plus technological infrastructure.

SmartCity Jaén UJA

SmartCity Jaén UJA

“LAB SmartCity UJA”

This is the nerve center and observatory from the actions of the SmartCity Jaén, from here we will follow the guidelines of other existing City Labs collecting and analizing data, reporting, dissemination of results and implementing initiatives.

We will join SmartCities consortiums, EU projects and also national ones.

Yet, citizens expected Jaen to join the bandwagon of progress, generating more wealth and employment , so necessary for these times, for future generations, and so good for Jaén.

How to participate

Our intelligent city model trust the intelligence of the people, and these are now more able than ever to collect this intelligence and add it in the management, therefore, feel free to send your proposals clicking the following button:

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