
Asistimos al Smart City Expo de Taipei para presentar un microfotobiorreactor autónomo

Asistimos al Smart City Expo de Taipei para presentar un microfotobiorreactor autónomo

La Universidad de Jaén participará en la Misión tecnológica a Taiwán CDTI sobre Smart Cities. Será organizado por el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial E.P.E (CDTI,E.P.E. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad) en colaboración con SECARTYS organiza una Misión Tecnológica a Taiwán sobre Smart Cities el próximo mes de marzo de 2018 entre los días 26 y 30. El objetivo es  proporcionar…continuar leyendo →

Agreement with “Smart City Mar del Plata” as sister cities

Agreement with “Smart City Mar del Plata” as sister cities

During the post-doctoral research stay (“Erasmus Mundus” project “Eureka SD“) of the project manager of Smart City Jaén, Dr. Herrador also responsible for the Smart City project Mar del Plata (Argentina), it was reached a collaboration agreement between the two Smart Cities to achieve the following objectives, as “sister” cities: Collaboration of the University of Jaén with the National University of…continuar leyendo →

Jaen joined the RECI network

Jaen joined the RECI network

On February 25, the Board of Directors of the Spanish Network of Intelligent Cities (RECI), formed by the mayors of the 25 founding municipalities and held today at Sabadell, has approved the addition of two new cities that have applied to join: Jaén and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. With them, RECI passes consist of 62 municipalities. It has also been…continuar leyendo →

Smart City Jaen attends the Smart City Expo World Congress 2014

Smart City Jaen attends the Smart City Expo World Congress 2014

Transforming today’s cities into smart cities and ensure that those that are built from scratch fulfill all the requirements of economic, environmental and human sustainability is a global challenge that involves everyone in one way or another. For many experts is not a mere necessity but an opportunity to transform the planet. The event, which is the quintessential global summit…continuar leyendo →

Successful exhibition of patents of our researchers

Successful exhibition of patents of our researchers

The activities developed in the European Researchers’ Night was a success, Nearly 3,000 people and more than 150 researchers attended the activities organized by the UJA, during ‘The European Researchers’ Night’, next to the square of the English Court. The objective of ‘The European Researchers’ Night’ was to show the impact of scientific work in everyday life, while awakening scientific…continuar leyendo →

SmartCityJaen will attend to Bioptima 2014

SmartCityJaen will attend to Bioptima 2014

In 2014, the theme of Bioptima will be oriented towards new models of smart territories (smart places), becoming a reference sample in products, materials, equipment, ideas and projects that contribute to the sustainability of cities and rural municipalities, transforming the way they act in the following areas: generation, supply and use of energy, Environment, public Policy, Mobility and rehabilitation of…continuar leyendo →

Signed partnership agreement with the City

Signed partnership agreement with the City

The rector of the University of Jaén Mr Manuel Parras Rosa and the mayor of the city of Jaen Mr José Enrique Fernández de Moya Romero, have recently signed a mutual cooperation agreement between Smart City Jaén and the city of Jaen, to make a city of future by sharing media as well as the development and application of knowledge….continuar leyendo →

San Lucas 2013 is here

Have a happy holidays of Fiestas de San Lucas 2013 !! Another year of Jaen met to disconnect from the problems we all know, in a few days of happiness and festivity both been waiting. You can find the schedule here. Enjoy!!

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